How to Look Great in the Mirror: fully-clothed, in a swimsuit… or totally bare.

looking in mirrorAs warmer weather approaches, and you trade layers of warm clothing for bare skin, it’s a great time to re-establish a joyful relationship with the image you see in the mirror. If you are looking with a critical eye – as many of us do – this can often fall short of a joyful experience. Attitude is a huge factor in how we perceive our bodies, and there are a few simple things we can do to help foster a more positive “body image attitude”. Try a few of these out, and you might be surprised at how rewarding it is to feel better in your body.

1. Stand Tall and Aligned

Posture can change your body dramatically, and it all starts with a simple awareness of how you hold your body. You can immediately look taller, sleeker and more relaxed by keeping your posture aligned: elongated spine, shoulders rolled down and back, rib cage open. Strength training that engages the back muscles will also help build postural strength, and keep us more aware of our body alignment in and out of the gym.

2. Avoid Dieting and Quick Weight Loss

This may sound strange, but dieting alone can make your body look depleted and softer. This is especially true for quick-loss fad diets, which  usually deplete our glycogen levels – most of which is stored in our muscle tissue. A long term weight loss plan that focuses on exercise and diet together can improve your mirror image over time, but you’re better off to avoid the temptation of a quick weight loss fix.

3. Don’t Forget the Carbs

We’re talking about healthy carbs, of course – like brown rice, veggies and sweet potato – that supply the glycogen stores in muscles. Glycogen feeds the muscles, for healthier tone and better performance. The best fitness professionals know that if you are going to be lowering your carbohydrate intake for weight loss (though never too drastically), it’s best to give your muscles at least one recovery day when you get 100 % of your carbohydrate needs, for every two days of carb restriction. That will re-supply your muscles and give your body a toned, muscular shape — rather than looking depleted.

4. Total Body Strength Training

Exercise plays a huge role in looking and feeling your best, and if you’d like to see the best possible results from your workout, make sure your routine involves movements that work the entire body. Pliometrics, cross-fitness, Pilates, and Yoga are a few examples of total body workouts that harmoniously engage every muscle group in the body. With a consistent full body routine, you may see muscles in the mirror that you never even noticed before.

5. Uplift Your Attitude

Confidence is among the most beautiful things that we can wear, but it doesn’t always come easily. Without any clothes to hide behind, how do you feel in front of the mirror?  Be honest about what you want to work on, and then love the person that you are today. Focus on the things about your body that you love and practice feeling comfortable in your own skin. It might take practice, but the more comfortable you feel, the more relaxed and confident you will look wearing next to nothing… and that always looks great.

6. Remember That “a Perfect Body” Doesn’t Exist

You can always improve your body! Don’t get caught up in trying to look perfect, or you will never be satisfied. Don’t fall into the trap of insecurity by focusing on your perceived imperfections. You’ve got the body you were born with — the perfect body for you. Love it, keep it healthy, and you will look great in the mirror no matter what you’ve got on!

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